I believe in the power of storytelling to make things better for people.

Stories shape our world and connect us to each other.

Narratives or accounts of connected events, real or imaginary, shared through various mediums such as speech, writing, or visual arts.

Influence, mold, or impact how we perceive, understand, and interact with reality, society, and our environment.

Create bonds, establish relationships, or foster understanding between individuals or groups, often through shared experiences, emotions, or ideas.

Companies I have worked with

What I do

I craft narratives that transform businesses, blending strategy, creativity, and decades of experience to shape compelling brand stories.

Things I have been working on lately

Brand Strategy

For one of Australia’s leading infrastructure company

Gen AI Training

With a focus on integration into company workflow

Concept Ideation

For a global AI platform on the future of AI representation

New Product Strategy

Introducing an RTD in the Indonesian marketplace

Market Leadership

For an Indonesian based Digital Identify company

Image Engineering

For a startup SaaS company

Image Engineering

Development of imagery that fills a gap in Asian representation.

Brand Film Storyboards

For the largest Pharmacy Organization in Australia

My curiosity propels me

I am driven to look beyond mere solutions, uncovering the hidden 'why' that transforms challenges into opportunities for innovation and opportunity.

I have a point of view

My point of view is the compass that guides me and sparks meaningful discovery and decision. It transforms information into insight, turning ordinary observations into extraordinary ideas.

Over the years, my point of view has evolved. It seems to evolve with every project I work on.

I listen but I also interrupt

I listen intently to uncover truths, but I'm not afraid to interrupt the ordinary.

My disruptions spark conversations that matter, leading to ideas that resonate.

How I think about things

I see things for how they are. But I also think about things for how they could be.

I like to stand on the edge of reality and possibility, crafting narratives that bridge today's truths with tomorrow's potential. The work should reflect the world—but also dare to reshape it, challenging complacency and igniting the spark of 'what if' in a landscape of 'what is'.

Ride the wind

I work in the space between order and disorder, embracing the messy brilliance of discovery. The world is not made up of straight lines, and I think we forget that sometimes. But I think this creative turbulence brings to life insights that linear thinking just won’t reach.

Time matters

I am more interested in where a company wants to be 5 years from now, than 5 months. I am interested in planting seeds that will grow, given time and resources.

If you are looking to ring the register, I am probably not your guy. But if you are looking to ring a bell, well, thats a different thing all together.

Radical optimism

I embrace radical optimism as my lens for viewing the world. Some have suggested its my Achilles Heel. I think its empowering.

Where others see obstacles, I see springboards.

This isn't blind positivity—it's a strategic mindset that transforms challenges into catalysts for innovation. My optimism might be contagious, empowering teams to push boundaries and clients to reimagine what's possible.

Everything has a story

Everything needs a story—it's the DNA of meaning in our world. From brands to ideas, products to people, strategies to campaigns, stories breathe life into the intangible and make the ordinary extraordinary.

I don't just tell stories; I work to uncover the narrative pulse in everything, transforming raw data into resonant tales that stick, spread, and spark change.

Hire me.
Talk to me

This is the part where I am supposed to tell you how great I am at solving your business challenges and that you should hire me for whatever that thing is you need doing.

I could be the right person to work on things with you - a business or product strategy, a brand re-work, a campaign.

The truth is at this point the best thing to do is to talk to me. Let’s figure it out together.

Who knows, we may just be able to find a new story to tell.